Database Users and Administrators

People who work with database can be categorized into two: Database Users and Database Administrators.

Database Users and User Interfaces

There are four types of the database users, classified by the way they interact with the system. Different types of interfaces are designed for different users.

  1. Naïve Users: are inexperienced users who interact with the system by using one of the previously written application programs. For example, if user wants to transfer ₹1000 from account A to account B. This program asks user for the amount to be transferred, from the account from which amount is transferred, and account to which it has to be transferred. 
  2. Application Programmers: are computer professionals who write the application programs. Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools are used to generate forms and reports without writing a program. The fourth – generation languages, combine imperative control structures with statements of the data manipulation language. 
  3. Sophisticated Users: interacts with the system without writing programs. They submit each query to query processor, who breaks down DML statement into instructions that the storage manager understands. Online Analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining tools are used to view summary of the data and to find the pattern of the data. 
  4. Specialized User: are users who write specialized database application that do not fit into traditional data – processing framework. The applications are: computer – aided design system, knowledge – based and expert system, graphic data and audio data systems, and environment – modeling systems.

Database Administrator

A database administrator (DBA) is a person who has the central control of both the data and the programs that access those data. The functions of the DBA are: 

  • Schema Definition: Executes a set of data definition statement in the DDL and creates the original database schema. 
  • Storage structure and access – method definition 
  • Schema and physical – organization modification: To improve the performance of the physical organization, the DBA carries out changes in the schema and physical organization to reflect the changing needs of the organization.·       
  • Granting of authorization for data access: The DBA regulates parts of the database that users can access by granting different types of authorization. 
  • Routine maintenance: DBA’s routing maintenance activities includes:
    • Periodic back up of the database to prevent loss of data. 
    • Ensuring enough free disk space, for normal operations and upgrading disk space.
    • Monitoring jobs running on the database and ensuring performance of the database.


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