Advantages of Database Management System

1. Data redundancy and inconsistency:

Different programmers create files and programs in different formats and different programming language. The same information may be duplicated in several files. For example, the address and contact details of an employee may appear in a file that consists of Payment-account records and in a file that consists of view - account records. This redundancy leads to higher storage and cost. This also leads to data inconsistency, that is, multiple copies of same data might not match. For example, if the address of the employee is modified, then it should be reflected in Payment-account records and not in view-account records.

2. Difficulty in accessing data: 

Suppose the manager needs to find out the names of all employees who are not available during particular slot of time. Now, the manager instructs the data processing department to generate list of such employees. There is no such program to meet the requests; however it can generate the list of all employees. Now, the manager has two options: either get list of all the employees and then manually extract the required information or instruct the programmer to develop such application. Both are time consuming and not satisfactory. Suppose, such an application is develop and after few days, the manager needs a list of employees whose salary is more than ₹25000. Again, the manager has same two options. 
Conventional file processing systems do not allow data retrieval in an efficient and convenient manner. 

3. Data isolation:

An application program to retrieve appropriate data is difficult as data is scattered in different files and formats. 

4. Data Integrity: 

The data stored in the database must satisfy consistency constraints. For example, the minimum balance in your bank account must be 3000. 

5. Atomicity: 

If the failure occurs, like any mechanical or electrical, the data restored must be in consistent state. Consider the program to transfer ₹5000 from Account A to Account B. If the failure occurs during the execution of transfer, it is possible that 5000 was deducted from Account A but not credited in account B. Hence, the transaction must be atomic – it must be performed entirely or none is performed. 

6. Concurrent – access anomalies:

Many systems allow multiple update to data simultaneously, resulting into data inconsistency. For example, consider bank account A has ₹5000. If two customers withdraw amount (₹1000 and ₹1500 respectively) at the same time, the concurrent execution of withdrawal may result into inconsistent data. If two program runs together, both reads data ₹5000, and writes back ₹4000 and ₹3500, rather than ₹2500. To avoid this, the system must maintain some form of supervision. 

7. Data Security: 

Every user should not be able to access all the data. For example, the payroll employees at bank need to see the information about other bank employees and not of the customer’s accounts.


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